debbie galbraith
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- debbie galbraith
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I feel the same -- Just getting back to listing postcards after a year off and this forum is dead I have a question and I am going to post it and hope I get a good answer
I just saw this and I have had the same problem Gets me into trouble. The last time I did not get a notice but then got an inquiry of when I was going to ship almost a month later WTF
I don't know -- guess I better look-- are you synced w Ebay? if you closed them there they might close here too
I have been lax in listing and checking the forums for awhile so I just saw this. I am a small seller but a big buyer in the past. The most important thing I can think of is that if it is a huge collection it may be years for you to get your money …
I just posted in questions about this. It looks to me like you will need good item specifics and more key word in title. And I run out of space as it is!
I use a snapscan too
Sorry that so many do not have the backs shown. I'm not sure why cause so many people buy for the stamp , cancel, or the story it tells You are cutting out a lot of buyers by not showing the back. Good luck buying
I think it is too hard to see them stitched together-- just my 2 cents - It would be a pain but I guess you could run each batch twice and have the 2nd batch stitched together I am not sure there is enough difference in the enlargement to make a d…
I would like to sort by private ID too - i keep my cards sorted by an ID and It would make my life so much better and I would had not sold 2 postcards that I missed removing I hope more people ask for this option
I think they do not change until you either leave the site or go to another section -
I have no idea but I doubt i would mess with it unless it is a RPPC
Thanks for your answers What you both have said is what I am thinking too. working in a small family business we have found over the years to not put all the eggs in the same basket. We use multi vendors to keep them on their toes and do Commercia…
I haven't sold much but haven't had time to put the effort in it but I will be sticking here and listing more as I have time because I'm happy with them -- just wished they and sixbit would get together
i use sixbit too -- Are you wanting to have inventory marked sold? or are you listing here and want to import into sixbit so you can list on other sites?
I use a snap scan very happy with it I don't do Gels and you have to make sure your rollers are clean
Thanks Martin I use sixbit and have been pretty happy with them and I like that all my listings are on my computer and I just log on to upload to ebay/esty etc but to get the listings here I have to export to a file and then upload. Which for me is…
Maybe put that in feature requests - I'm ok with the lighter print when I have my contacts in but at night after I take them out it does make it harder sometimes
Interesting -I admit it is a problem for us part timers which is why I haven't put more on here .I use Sixbit for listings but it is limited, the hobby edition is good (Kind of like Turbo lister) but it is only for one site and the cost goes up to $…
Just went back to Metro and they are back up and running yea! They are not complete but for quick look ups they are handy
I go for about 10 cents I know that I can get rid of any at that price I have to think about 25 each But I did buy about 1400 for 1.00 to 2.00 this summer but they were almost all RPPCs of cowgirls and girl teams from c1910s-1920 Also several crossd…
there is a discussion in chatter under Sixbit -- Tom Holz helped me a lot understanding how to bulk upload - take a look at it and it may help you He uses the id to link the pics to the listing. If you sell on Ebay at fixed price you can also do a s…
Thank you it seems like I could follow you shots but they are not big enough for me to see clearly If you could please email them to me as maybe a pdf then I could enlarge enough to see Thanks for your work Debbie
thank you so much I, m home with the flu so I doubt I get much done this weekend
that would be great I may play with it a little this weekend--- that has been one of my questions is do I keep the jpeg at the beginning or just numbers.
I have not worked with anything but the basic excel so clean up is what I am trying to figure out -- when you export out of sixbit do you just leave all the columns and rename the ones that get used in hip? or do you just delete the extra columns? a…
I use sixbit too -- and did a request over the summer-- It is one reason I only have a few cards here is I just import from ebay but I can only do that with fixed price. I have emailed back and forth with Jason but I have never found the time to get…
I also have never seen them -- there are photos that are about that size in frames (that I have forgot the name of ) but that is a new one on me- If you find what they are get back to the group and post them thanks for showing
metro postcard is the mosst helpful online site but the trick is to look at a lot of cards and then try to learn why one is more valuable than another one good luck
I agree - some sort of quick access so buyers don't go back to EB where they have an account